In a search for the best way to define ORTHOTICS, like O&P Provides, you might uncover something akin to the following:
At O&P, we feel our primary job is to help people regain their life. Our gifts are the skills we use to find solutions and provide them. But, what drives us each day are those stories we get to tell about changing someone’s life forever. Orthotics is the art of providing a medical solution orthoses that is uniquely designed, created and fitted to solve an individual’s personal needs and objectives. One person at a time, providing solutions for unique, individual and very personal needs.

From simple devices to complex orthoses that immobilize the spine
- Foam & Plastic Collars
- Halos
Prefabricated and custom-made devices designed to immobilize, correct or limit flexion, extension & rotation
- Lumbosacral braces
- Dorsolumbar braces
- Chair back style braces
- Hyperextension braces
- Body jackets
Upper Extremity
A wide range of devices to provide support or immobilization.
- Hand orthoses
- Wrist/Hand orthoses
- Elbow orthoses (positional & adjustable ROM)
- Fracture bracing
Lower Extremity
Custom-made or prefabricated plastic & conventional systems to control improper or abnormal motion, improve skeletal alignment
- Hip abduction splints & hip positioning
- Hinged knee supports
- Elastic & neoprene knee support/stabilizers
- Post-operative
- Knee immobilizer
- Ankle-foot orthoses
- Knee-ankle-foot orthoses
- Hip-knee-ankle-foot orthoses
- Reciprocating gait orthoses
- Fracture Bracing

Custom O&P products are fit & designed